As a former goth girl, I feel as if I should be out celebrating the coinciding of Friday the 13th and the full moon.

As a superstitious person, I’m probably not going to leave the apartment. I’m glad I don’t have a PET scan or anything scheduled for today.

The last time Friday the 13th and a full moon coincided was October 13, 2000. It was the day after my birthday. I’m not sure what I was doing. It’s possible I drank a few $3 happy hour martinis then watched the Yankees-Mariners game, because that’s how I spent a lot of my Fridays then. Not that I ever watch sports, really—I just hang out with people who are intermittently paying attention.

The next time this happens will be 2049. (At least it’s before the return of Halley’s Comet, which I missed seeing in 1986.) It’s cloudy and rainy right now, though, so I may have to wait until then. I feel the pressure to do something to commemorate today, though, so I’ve made a moon playlist.

“The Moon Song” by Karen O. This is one of the most recent moon songs, from the Her soundtrack. In 2049, a love story between a man and his operating system will probably seem quaint to our android overlords.

“Bark at the Moon” by Ozzy Osbourne. Of the songs on my list, I think this is the most appropriate for today. Nothing says a full moon on Friday the 13th like werewolves and Ozzy Osbourne in a straightjacket.

“The Killing Moon” by Echo and the Bunnymen. This is one of my all-time favorite songs, so I would listen to this whether the moon was full or not. A lot of people associate this song with Donnie Darko, so there’s something to do tonight. Is watching Friday the 13th too obvious? For me, it would be too scary.

“Moon River.” I saw Sex and the City episode featuring this song before I finally got around to watching Breakfast at Tiffany’s. Speaking of scary movies, this song reminds me of how terrible the Sex and the City movie was and how it made me hate the series. I suppose if I wanted to be really terrified this Friday the 13th, I could watch the sequel, which looks worse. But Breakfast at Tiffany’s reminds me of the Seinfeld episode in which George Costanza watches the movie instead of reading the book for his book club. I’m full of conflicting emotions.

“Blue Moon” by the Marcels. A classic moon songs. Why are most moon songs so melancholy?

“Bad Moon Rising” by Creedence Clearwater Revival. Perhaps this is the most appropriate song for today. Just listening to it made me decide to stay home. Despite the foreboding lyrics, it’s pretty upbeat when compared to other moon songs. John Fogerty sounds as if he’s ready trouble and he has everything under control. A few years ago, I got to see Fogerty play a free show at the South Street Seaport, and he performed this song on the banks of the East River, a full (or nearly full) moon in the sky.

“Tahitian Moon” by Porno for Pyros. I suppose a Tahitian moon is very different from a potentially ominious Friday the 13th full moon. One of my friends loved this song when it came out and it reminds me of him and the summer of 1996. It was a weird summer, the last one I spent home from college. I worked at Boston Market before staging a two-employee walkout, and I sold Cutco knives.

“Man on the Moon” by R.E.M. I included this because it’s an obvious moon song, but I’m not really a fan of R.E.M.

“Sexy Boy” by Air. OK, so this song isn’t about the moon, necessarily, but the video is about a monkey astronaut, and the moon plays an integral role.

Enjoy the rare full moon/Friday the 13th combo!

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