My bones hurt. Finally.

We’ve been doing two Neuopogen injections daily since Sunday. I brought my old syringes to the doctor yesterday, so they could safely be discarded,  and then I almost left them in the cab. (I’m usually not a fancy person who takes cars to the doctor, but my appointment would have put me on the train at rush hour with germy people who would all be out to knock my catheter out of my chest.) So that’s one way containers of syringes get left in cabs, I suppose.

I was told that my bones might hurt as they produce more stem cells, so I hope this is a good sign. I have pain medication, but the pain isn’t that bad, and I hate taking stuff.

I’m really looking forward to eating a lot of dairy. I see a lot of cheese in my future.

My doctor visit yesterday was pretty uneventful. I got the dressing changed on my catheter and had some bloodwork done. My red blood cell count is pretty good, because of the transfusion I had before I left the hospital. My white blood cells are low, as expected.

My platelets are also low, at 35, so I have to go in tomorrow for another blood check to make sure they don’t drop below 20. I’m at risk for bruising and bleeding more easily. So, no brawling. The catheter had ruled that out anyway. Sigh…

Until then, I’m allowed to go out and be in the world a little. I’m going to go to dinner tonight and go out on Monday with some friends for a big, cheesy dinner. If all goes well, I’ll be in the hospital soon, so I’m lobbying for a pizza party at home so I can see people before the hospital stay and my hermitage begins.

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